An invitation to join us at Young Devon as our next…

Housing Support Worker

0-hour contract / bank workers

Both day and sleep-in hours available

Day salary - £12 per hour / Sleep-in salary - £125.25 per night

Based in North Devon

We have an exciting opportunity for a motivated, conscientious person to join our Supported housing team in our Barnstaple and Ilfracombe projects.

You will be lone working with young people (aged 16-25) who have a range of support and housing needs. Providing a holistic service assisting with accessing benefits, managing finances, health and wellbeing, maintaining accommodation, accessing education, employment or training. In addition to this you will sometimes give further support and sign-posting for additional needs. You will need to take a creative approach to support, adapting your style of communication with each individual to provide a person-centred approach to help the young people establish and work towards their goals and aspirations.

You will also take an active role in the management and oversight of the buildings undertaking health and safety checks. This post has on-call support from management.

You can request an application pack (including the Application Form and Job Description) from or download by selecting the links below:
Application Form - Sessional Housing Support Worker 24-14
Job Description and Person Specification - Housing Support Worker 24-14

Please submit your application form to

Please read the job description and person specification. If you then have any further questions about the role please contact Kerry Skipper on 01271 326232 / 07866507172.

Young Devon is a youth work charity (1057949) passionate about creating an inclusive workplace and committed to embracing diversity.

Young Devon is committed to Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable groups and all applicants who will or could have unsupervised access to these groups will complete the required checks through the Disclosure and Barring Service.