Building Futures

Giving personalised support and advice, to help you take your next steps into education, employment and training…

Building Futures is a NEW mentoring project for young people aged 16-24 years old; offering FREE support and advice to those who find themselves without direction.

Providing 1-2-1 support, alongside creative group sessions, our Building Futures mentors offer encouragement and guidance to young people who are not currently in education, employment or training; helping them take their next steps towards their future.

Due to the current restrictions, support will be delivered both face-to-face and virtually (by video call and phone call).

We are very grateful to have received funding from the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund. Thanks to the Government for making Building Futures possible.

Building Futures, helping young people reach their potential, on their terms.

Download our Building Futures flyer

Read our success stories…

Find out more…

To find out more about Building Futures, please email Ana Collier at

Empowering Enterprise

1-2-1 intensive support and mentoring for 18-24 year olds

Empowering Enterprise is a unique project for disadvantaged young people aged 18-24 who are not in education, employment or training; funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund, and led by Petroc College.

Empowering Enterprise will seek to engage Devon’s most socially-excluded young people; working with them to develop their employability and life skills, and giving them the confidence to return to employment, education or training. This project involves an intensive style of mentoring, over a longer period of time, tailored to each individual with a person-centred approach.

Once referred, each young person is assigned a mentor who will work alongside them; helping them encounter new experiences and develop new skills to access career and training opportunities.

Available in Plymouth, Newton Abbot, Exeter, Tiverton, Barnstaple and surrounding towns.

Check out the Empowering Enterprise website…

Check out Petroc College’s website for more information on the Empowering Enterprise project…

CSW #Focus5

1-2-1 employment and personal development support for 15-18 year olds

#Focus5 provides in-depth support to young people aged 15-18 across the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) area to move towards education, employment and training.

The project will work with 920 young people, supporting them to develop their employability skills by focusing on five key areas: communication, customer service, organisation, problem solving and team work. Young people will work with a Key Worker to develop their own plan and can also access support from specialist partners on the project.

Young Devon is a specialist partner offering support to young people who are at the most risk of social exclusion and require additional support area to move towards education, employment and training.

#Focus5 is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund.

What is Focus5?

The #Focus5 project provides unique, flexible, one-to-one support to young people aged 15-18 across Devon, Plymouth, Torbay and Somerset, who need help taking small steps into education, employment or training. The project aims to help young people develop the five main skills identified as being gateways to employment.

Who can benefit?

#Focus5 helps young people who may be struggling to move forwards in life. We are funded to support those who are not in education, employment or training, or at risk of becoming so. We also help any young people who are home educated or out of education/employment for medical reasons.

What support is on offer?

Young people are assigned to a #Focus5 Key Worker, who works one-to-one with them to build confidence, improve self-esteem and recognise strengths. Together they then create a bespoke plan of activities to meet immediate and long term aspirations. This can include; creating a CV, applying for jobs or apprenticeships, interview training and work experience, developing organisational and life skills, learning about financial independence, mentoring to overcome barriers and social skills activities.

Partner organisations we work with include; Sound Gallery, Eat That Frog, Young Somerset, Brain in Hand, Wings South West, I Can Do That CIC!, Cosmic, The Volunteer Network, YMCA Plymouth.

Childcare funding is available for young parents while they are working with #Focus5.

How to refer?

If you know any young people who could benefit from #Focus5, email the team on or refer them via the website