Young Devon has recently been conducting Internal Quality Assurance observations of the Skills and Qualification projects! category about
The Skills and Qualifications team aim to equip young people with the skills and knowledge to develop careers, go back into education or find additional training after the courses are finished.
We have looked at the quality of teaching and learning including the learning environment, relationships between the tutor and learner, the relationships of peers, resources and session plans, quality of delivery and outcomes.
We have also spoken to all of the learners about how they feel their provision is meeting their expectations and if they enjoy, feel safe, feel able to contribute and would recommend the programme.
Without exception we have witnessed a high level of quality and professionalism throughout the team. Each tutor brings a different set of skills and knowledge to the programs, the sessions were informative, delivered with passion, utilised diverse resources and were planned and structured.
The management team commented that this was a pleasure to witness and really exciting to see this improvement and direction of travel.
Learners made no hesitation in saying that their tutors were welcoming, included them, took their contributions seriously, acted on problems and offed support and advice. They said they would recommend the provision felt like they have been treated like an adult and empowered to make their own decisions. All YP people said they felt safe and enjoyed attending the provision.
Well done to everyone in the Skills and Qualifications team for all your hard work! It is amazing to see the teams commitment to promoting and supporting a quality of life experience, enabling young people to become resilient and succeed in their right to enjoy safe, happy and healthy lives.