Minds That Matter

“Asking for help is the first step to getting on the right path and I feel like I’m now better prepared to help myself.”

Welcome to #MindsthatMatter, your online guide to looking after your mental health.

Anxiety is the most common reason for young people to contact the Early Help 4 Mental Health service, with over 80% of young people stating that this was the main reason for seeking support. Anxiety can have a far reaching impact on wider life, including relationships with parents, friendship difficulties, school worries, social anxiety or wanting to improve their own confidence.

#MindsThatMatter is a resource that will support young people struggling with these feelings and show that there are options.

We will break the stigma around mental health to show that “Everyone has Mental Health”. Young People have told us that there is a lack of positive messages about mental health on social media, especially around self-care and coping strategies. #MindsThatMatter will change the conversation and focus on positive stories from young people, written by young people.


